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the corners of the world

Image by Chris Montgomery


Today’s technological developments have made it easier for people to meet and connect. The countless online social channels have turned the world into a village. It has blurred physical personal boundaries as well as country borders, bringing people together who otherwise would never have met.


Image by Surface

However, despite the boundless and unprecedented virtual possibilities, individuality has struck the modern world, leaving more people than ever before feeling isolated, unheard and unseen. And as much as it has become easier to virtually meet and connect, as much we tend to live secluded and anonymously in physical society.

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Let’s use the ease and convenience of online possibilities as a springboard to facilitating (re)connection with the people around us. Fana! has made a start in creating online and offline meeting places. But this is just the beginning. We want to join forces with explorers and creators from all corners of the world.

Image by Omar Flores

fana! network


Meeting places

  • Online platforms

  • Blogs/Vlogs

  • Forum

  • Virtual Exhibitions


Meeting places

  • Workshops

  • Atelier Café

  • (City) Retreats

  • Live Exhibitions

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